Chesed Missions

WE ARE LIVE!!! I am so excited to finally have a place to update/blog about what is happening in Ethiopia at Abenezer Orphanage. We currently have 9 kiddos, six of which are school age. ALL the kids are absolutely thriving as you can see in the photos. I am always in awe and quite humbled to see the pictures and videos Elizabeth sends me and how joyful and truly happy the kids seem and I don’t think it is a facade. These children all come from a tragic situation and so I believe they view life differently. They see the world differently and just because they are without so many things we would say bring happiness, they contradict this belief on ALL levels. They have each other and they have LOVE and that is ENOUGH for them to have JOY. I learn something from these kids and Elizabeth daily. They have shown me what true JOY looks like on all levels and Elizabeth has shown me what truly living into Jesus’s call for your life looks like. She has given up everything that some would consider a “must” for joy (a family, biological children, her home and most of her belongings) to pour her heart and soul into orphans and show them they are loved and they matter. What are we willing to give up in order to increase the joy in our lives?

I will be introducing the kiddos to you one at a time and giving you a little bit about their story (with Elizabeth and the older kids permission) so that you can truly SEE each child and pray for them by name.

We are so thankful for our donors. We hope many more will come beside us on this mission. We want no child turned away due to lack of resources.

We love you and WE SEE ALL PEOPLE!!

Choose JOY,


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